Satellite not found in mode list, no room to add another satellite (20 maximum). You must remove another satellite first.
Minutes must be 0 to 59
Error reading Elements file. Error converting text string to number at line
Sunspot number/Flux out of range. Valid Sunspot numbers range from 0 to 300, Solar Flux ranges from 64 to 362. Listen to WWV at 18 minutes past the hour for solar flux (WWVH at 45 past).
Error reading Elements file. Bad size, probably corrupt. SatTrak quitting.
Error reading Config file. Bad size, probably corrupt. SatTrak quitting.
Error reading Sites file. Bad size, probably corrupt. SatTrak quitting.
Too many sites. Ignoring remainder of file. Possible bad site file, will still attempt to use.
Error processing NASA file. Probable bad data. Last line processed:
Too many satellite elements. Ignoring remainder of file. Split into multiple files or delete unneeded element sets.
Line too short - probable bad data in NASA file at line
Satellite name too long (probable bad data) in Elements file at line
Line found begins:
Frequency must be greater than 0 but not more than 1,000,000 MHz
Minutes and seconds must be between 0 and 59
ΓêåUTC is the time difference from UTC. Must be in the range -12 to +12 hours.
Step size out of range. Must be between 1 and 120 minutes.
A program error occurred. SatTrak quitting.
Can't open any more windows. Please close one first.
Expected line begins:
Expected text not found in Elements file at line
Unexpected end-of-file in Elements file at line
Line too long in Elements file at line
The last site cannot be deleted: at least one site is required.
Name too long - please limit it to 16 Characters
Duration must be between 1 and 31
Hour must be between 0 and 23
Year must be between 1959 and 2500
Day must be between 1 and 31
Month must be between 1 and 12
Minimum Elevation is out of range. Should be from -90 to 90 degrees. 0 recommended (horizon is at 0┬░, 90┬░ is straight up).
Height is out of range. -3000 to 1,000,000 meters (-10000 to 3,300,000 ft). Typical elevation above sea level in the U.S. is 300 meters (about 1000 ft).
Longitude out of range. Degrees must be from -180 to 180. Minutes must be 0 to 59. Minutes at ┬▒180┬░ must be 0.
Latitude out of range. Degrees must be from -90 to 90. Minutes must be 0 to 59. Minutes at ┬▒90┬░ must be 0.
Could not find any sites, creating defaults
Could not find any orbital element set, creating defaults.